Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about the journal. Your question not answered? Feel free to contact

For Prospective Writers

After a careful review of proposals by our editorial board, accepted student writers will be assigned to a student editor and advisory board member. Together teams will review formatting guidelines, novelty moves, and general writing expectations, questions or concerns as they proceed with the creation of their writer’s first full draft.

We accept multiple proposals from an individual applicant. However, submission does not guarantee publication. The advisory board selects proposals based on high potential and minor revisions, so only one manuscript may be published in the final edition of the journal

FIUURJ makes every effort to conditionally accept all student writers’ manuscripts.  Once abstracts are reviewed by the advisory board for publication, writers will receive an official acceptance email. This process can take 2-5 weeks.

FIUURJ has student editors and faculty reviewers who check each submission for proper formatting and development. Faculty reviews are double-blind, meaning that reviewers do not know the identity of the manuscript writer and vice versa to ensure confidentiality and impartiality during the review process.

IRB approval is required when human subjects are a part of the research, you can contact FIU’s Office of Research Integrity to see if approval is needed for your proposal.

IBC approval is needed when synthetic or recombinant DNA is a part of the research, and you can contact FIU’s Institutional Biosafety Committee to see if you need approval for your proposal.

IACUC approval is required when animals are used as part of the research, and you contact FIU’s Institutional Animal Care & Use to see if approval is needed for your proposal.

FIU Libraries’ Digital Commons hosts the platform where student writers submit their manuscript drafts and faculty reviewers submit their reviews. You can access FIUURJ’s digital commons site by clicking the “Ready to Submit” tab under “Submission” on our main menu, or visit by clicking the following link:

Once selected proposals are developed with assistance from student editors, faculty reviewers, and advisory board members, the length of the final manuscript is expected to be 3,000 words (not including title, citations, or appendices)  

If you have any issues accessing the FIUURJ digital commons site or signing in, feel free to contact FIUURJ at or the digital commons site manager Jill Kreft at for support.

If you are encountering any problems contacting or establishing a working relationship with your assigned student editor, please contact your assigned Advisory team member for assistance. If issues persist, please contact our Chief Editors Xuan Jiang at and Vanessa Sohan at as soon as possible.

Yes, it is possible to change faculty mentors after acceptance. Make sure to inform the Editorial board at as soon as possible with the new faculty mentor’s name and email address so we can update the records. 

Yes, writers can alter their abstracts. Teams are allowed to revise abstracts for accuracy once everything is in a more finalized stage of the publication process.  


For Prospective Editors

We appreciate your interest in FIUURJ! We accept Student Editor application every Spring Semester. Please visit the “Apply to Be a Student Editor” page under “Get Involved” for more information on the student editor position requirements and Qualtrics application.

Yes. Student editors can receive internship credit for their time by requesting permission from Vanessa Sohan,, through the Liberal Studies program, or with Amy Reid,, in the Biological Sciences department. Honors students can request permission from Allen Valera,, for an internship course through the Honors college.

Student editors are expected to deligently attend training sessions and board meetings as well as regularly communicate with their assigned student writer and help them as much as they request in the drafting and editing processes of their submission.

FIUURJ has student reviewers and faculty reviewers. Peer reviews are double-blind, meaning that reviewers do not know the identity of the manuscript writer and vice versa to ensure confidentiality and impartiality in the review process.

When a student editor encounters problems contacting or establishing a working relationship with their assigned student writer or editor, it is best to contact Xuan Jiang at or Vanessa Sohan at as soon as possible.

If you feel that your assigned manuscript or abstract causes a conflict of interest, please contact FIU URJ Editorial Board at explaining the nature of the conflict to be assigned to another manuscript or abstract.

Additional Questions

Printed editions of FIUURJ are available at the Center for Excellence in Writing at GL 125, and digital editions are available in the FIU Library FIUURJ site, which can be found here.

FIURUnfortunately, we are unable to accept new abstract submissions once the deadline has passed. However, writers are invited to resubmit for the following year’s issue if they are still eligible (a current FIU undergraduate student or recent FIU graduate).